Advancing Pharmacy Education & Professional Collaboration
AAPE Supports Promoting Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.
Who we are
A diverse group of professional pharmacy educators with Arab heritage who strive to advance pharmacy education and professional development through engagement and collaboration in 4 pillars: Teaching, Practice, Scholarship, and Service.
من نحن
مجموعةٌ عربيةٌ متنوعةٌ من معلمي مهنةِ الصيدلة ، تسعى جاهدةً للنهوضِ بتعليمِ الصيدلةِ والتطويرِ المهنيِّ من خلالِ المشاركةِ والتعاونِ في أربعةِ أركان: التدريسِ والممارسةِ والبحثِ والخدمة.
Our Mission
To advance pharmacy education by promoting a collaborative approach to teaching, practice, scholarship and service that respects and fosters cross-cultural perspectives and diversity.
تسعى هذه المجموعةُ لتعزيزِ التعليمِ الصيدلانيِّ عن طريقِ دعمِ نهجٍ تعاونيٍ للتدريسِ والممارسةِ والبحثِ والخدمةِ ، وذلكَ من خلالِ احترامِ التنوّعِ وتعزيزِ وجهاتِ النظرِ بينَ الثقافات.
AAPE welcomes professionals and graduate students regardless of their heritage/ethnic backgrounds and training stages who are interested in and/or are actively involved in pharmacy education. Members are expected to initiate, support and/or participate in collaborative activities, promote the principles and core values of AAPE, and share knowledge to achieve set goals and outcomes.
ترحبُ هذه المجموعةُ بمعلمي الصيدلةِ وطلابِ الدراساتِ العليا بغضِّ النظرِ عن خلفياتِهِمُ العرقيةِ ومراحِلِهِمُ التدريبيةِ ، كما ترحب أيضاً بالمهتمينَ أو المشاركينَ بأي نشاطٍ تعليميٍّ في المجالِ الصيدلاني. يُتوقع من الأعضاءِ أن يبادروا إلى إنشاءِ الأنشطةِ التعاونيةِ ودعمِها والمشاركةِ بها ، وتعزيز المبادئِ والقيمِ الأساسيةِ لـهذهِ المجموعةِ ، وتبادل المعرفةِ لتحقيقِ الأهدافِ والنتائجِ المرجوَّةِ.
Working Group Business Meeting Minutes
2020 Annual Business Meeting
Wednesday, July 15th , 2020
10:00-11:00 am (EST)
AAPE Educational Presentation
July 17 2020: Transitioning to Virtual Teaching: Tips & Challenges!
October 16, 2020: Reflections on Teaching & Learning with COVID
We are seeking members to serve on our working group and strategic plan. Please reach out to Naser Alsharif ( or any of the members of the current working group. Your active involvement is key to meet our mission and honor our core values.
Scholarly Collaboration
For Collaboration on Scholarly Projects, check the Google Documents with some of the projects and add any projects you are interested in collaborating on. Reach out to colleagues if you are interested in collaborating on any of the projects.
June 14, 2022 Webinar
Career development: Pearls and Challenges. Moderated by Dr. Ahmad Hanif. Presenters: Drs. Abir Kanaan & Fadi Khasawneh,
March 27. 2022 Webinar
A tailored Approach for Pharmacy Student Mentoring. Dr. Mohamed Ezzat Amin.
January 30, 2022 Webinar
Energizing Scholarly Collaboration. Dr. Ali Azeez Al-Jumaili.
November 14, 2021 Webinar
Bridging Transition Between Industry and Academia. Panel Discussion.
September 14, 2021 Webinar
Delivery of mRNA Vaccines and Therapeutics Using LNPs, a Novel Drug Delivery System. Dr. Mouhannad Jumaa.
Annual Business Meeting 7/22/2021
Please view the capture and our review of our strategic plan. Please consider volunteering to lead or be a member. Passcode: z7D!iF%y
July 2, 2021 Webinar
Administrative Challenges During & Post-COVID-19! Passcode: a6J0q+pX
Drs. Abir Kanaan & Naser Alsharif
April 29, 2021 Coffee/Tea Gathering
Cultural Competency and Patients with ASD: Are you Aware and prepared to provide quality care? (Dr. Ola Ghoneim)
Cultural Sensitivity, Competency and Proficiency: What, Why, Where & Who? (Dr. Naser Alsharif)
Passcode &Fw=5Mi@
February Webinar:
Scholarship Opportunities & Challenges During COVID.
February 23rd, 2021; 12:00 - 1:30 pm EST
Recording of February Webinar
Virtual Coffee/Tea Gathering
January 22, 2021, 1230 p, EST
December 2020 Webinar
Academic Integrity: Challenges & Solutions During a Pandemic