Advancing Pharmacy Education & Professional Collaboration
First Annual Alalamein International University (AIU) Pharmacy Education Conference
Collaboration between AIU & Arab American Pharmacy Educators (AAPE)
August 4th & 5th, 2021
Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm CST, USA
Current Trends in Pharmacy Students Experiential Training
Please check the link for the program
Collaboration with Yarmuk University, May 26, 2021
Best Practices in Distance Education. Naser Alsharif
B.I.N.G.O: Using Educational Games to Enhance Engagement During Distance Learning. Ola Ghoneim.
Al-Mustansiriyah University, College of Pharmacy, Iraq
August 6, 2020
International Virtual Conference of Pharmacy Education & Postgraduate Study!
Disruptive Innovation in Pharmacy Education and Practice. Naser Alsharif
Collaboration with the University of Baghdad
July 12 & 13, 2020
International Webinar of Pharmacy Education and ACPE certification-University of Baghdad College of Pharmacy & AAPE
Day 1: Best practices in Distance Education (Naser Alsharif); Developing Curriculum (Mohamed Ezzat Amin); Developing the scientific Writing Skills of Pharmacy Students (Fatima Mraiche); Learning Outcomes and Student Assessment (Amjad Qandil)
Day 2: Evolution of Pharmacy Education (Sherief Khalifa); Evaluating the Use of Informational Technologies by Students of Iraqi Healthcare College over three-year period. (Ali Azeez Al-Jumali); The Benefit of mid-course assessment and feedback. (Fatimah Sherbeny); ACPE International Accreditation (Michael Rouse & Abeer Al-Ghananeem)